This is Arvinder. He lives in New Delhi, India. I've never met him

See,one day a couple weeks ago my Yahoo messenger popped up and Arvinder said hi.I think it's because he'd seen the words "Vespa" or maybe "scooter" in my Yahoo profile.I'm not sure.
Anyway,he's turned out to be a a pretty good pal and a fun person to talk to.He is IN LOVE with scooters and bikes, like the one above, a BSA (or is it a Matchless,Arvinder?) that he rescued from a scrap yard:

arvinder singh: i have purchased few days before this matchless 500cc G80 lying in a scrap yard under lot of scrap it took three days to take out the bike under the scrap
catsfive: you must really care...! was it in saveable condition?
arvinder singh: YES
arvinder singh: one ariel 600 side valve 1952 model registered from the same yard
arvinder singh: and now two more bikes are left in that yard one bsa 350 one bsa twin a7

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